Creator: Zoe Quinn | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Depression Quest is an interactive story/game that allows you to play the role of someone living with depression. Features include about 150 unique encounters with five endings demonstrating how well you deal with your depression. The set up is similar to "Choose Your Own Adventure" type stories. Choose play to begin reading the first scenario. Choose from options offered with each portion of the interactive until reaching the conclusion to find out how you managed your life. There is an option to donate to this site, but the activity is free.
In the Classroom
Depression Quest would be excellent for use in high school health classes or even counselor sessions. Treat the topic with sensitivity, since you never know who may be struggling with depression. You will probably want to keep this topic as one of many options for student research and investigation. Try the interactive as a small group option to discuss scenarios and different options. Allow students to complete the activity on individual computers so they can answer individually. Possible have them replay the game to find what would happen if making different choices. Challenge students to create a presentation using Prezi (<a href="/single.cfm?id=10801">reviewed here</a>) about depression and other mental health issues as part of a unit in health or psychology class. Share with your school’s counselor for use with small groups.
At Home
If appropriate, share this site with your teenager or use with teen groups for discussion and information.