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Grade Range: 8 - 11
Use this free tool to easily build and test circuits in your browser! Those without thorough understanding about circuitry can start with pre-made "Quick Start" circuits. The on screen build box has basic circuitry elements available to create quick circuits. Copy and paste circuit parts from other circuits (including those found in the online community) to your circuit. Share your circuit with others by URL. This tool is easy to use. There is a Getting Started video to help with the functions of the tool. Click simulate to test the circuit. Create an account to save your circuits to Your Workbench. At the time of this review, CircuitLab was supported on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The site notes that some users have reported success with Opera and Apple Safari. <b>Be sure to test this site in your browser before you plan to share it.</b>
In the Classroom
Share how to use this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Create circuits and share with others in the class. Assign specific circuits to be built with various elements such as diodes, resistors, etc. as part of a project or in testing student knowledge. Students can research when various circuits are required or applicable in real life.
At Home
Have a student that likes to tinker with all things wired? Invite them to play with this simulation (instead of the wiring in and around your house!)