Poetry and Music of the War Between the States

Creator: civilwarpoetry.org | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

Understand the thoughts and emotions of the men who fought in the Civil War through poetry and music of the time. Choose from Confederate or Union Poetry or Music of the War links. Listen to popular music of the day such as Oh! Susanna and My Old Kentucky Home. Explore poetry separated into categories including battles, soldier life, and the home front. Other options for exploring the site include searches by title, first lines, and authors.

In the Classroom

Include this site with your Civil War unit resources. Have students upload a photo they have taken and add voice bubbles to explain what they learned using a tool such as Phrase.it, <a href="/single.cfm?id=14479">reviewed here</a>. Or challenge cooperative learning groups to use one of the many other multimedia presentation TeachersFirst Edge tools <a href="/content/edge.cfm?c=16">found here</a>.

At Home

Share this site with your student as a resource for use when studying the Civil War.


poetry, civil war, 1800s, battles,


American History, English, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: The Americas, Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Studies, Writing,