The Math Games

Creator: The Math Games | visit site

Grade Range: 3 - 8

This site offers several interactives for students to practice fractions, decimals, expressions, and matching like terms. Choices are provided for difficulty levels within the activities. Links are also included to fraction visualizers to demonstrate images and visualizations of self-created fractions. Registration to the site is available, but not necessary to use the site. Registration allows students to record high scores earned playing the games.

In the Classroom

Introduce the site to students on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Allow students to explore the site on their own or with a partner. Create a link on classroom computers for students to practice during free time. Share the link on your classroom blog or website for students to practice at home.

At Home

Share this site with your student to practice fractions and decimals.


numbers, decimals, fractions, matching, operations,


Algebra, Geometry, Math,