Creator: Syvum | visit site
Grade Range: 5 - 8
This site offers 17 problems and exercises for practice with basic Algebra skills. Concepts include terms and definitions, equations, formulas, expansion, simplifications, and factorization. Registration is available for the site, but not necessary to use the practice exercises and quizzes. Quizzes are offered in multiple choice and match the column formats. Feedback is immediate after choosing an answer, and quizzes can be printed out onto a worksheet form. Within each quiz there is also a link to review which offers further information about the topic contained within the question. rn<br><br>rnBe aware: this site does include many advertisements. Although the content is good enough to be worth the distracting ads!
In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector, then allow students to access quizzes for review and reinforcement of concepts being taught. Share the site on your classroom website or blog for students to access at home for practice of skills. Print out quizzes for students to use as review. This site is perfect for gifted students to work ahead and practice upcoming concepts. Have cooperative learning groups create multimedia presentations to share a new concept with the class. How about enhancing learning and having students create a talking avatar explaining what they have learned using a site such as Blabberize, <a href="/single.cfm?id=10380">reviewed here</a>, or have students create online flashcards for practice using a site such as Flashcard Stash, <a href="/single.cfm?id=12465"> reviewed here</a>.
At Home
Share this site with your student when looking for resources to practice or review Algebra 1 skills.
tutorials, quizzes, quiz, factors, equations,