Shakespeare Bookshelf

Creator: IPl2: Drexel-College of Information Science & Technology | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

This attractive library of Shakespeare’s literary works is organized just the way you want it: each poem, comedy, history, and tragedy is bound in its own volume and placed in alphabetical order on the appropriate shelf of the bookcase. The titles link to the 1914 edition of <i>The Oxford Shakespeare</i> at Bartleby and <i>The Complete Works of William Shakespeare</i> from Jeremy Hylton at MIT. This is truly a librarian’s, English teacher’s, or any lover of literature’s delight! You can find the actual text of any Shakespeare work.

In the Classroom

Students and teachers will enjoy using this Shakespeare offering because it is just "As You Like It"! Include this site on your classroom web page to provide students, parents, and yourself ease of access to reputable on-line versions of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and all the other literary works. This website will come in handy for projecting text on your classroom whiteboard to highlight, compare, and interpret particular scenes and lines. If you assign students to create multimedia interpretations of sonnets or passages from the plays, this is a great way to find copy/pastable text, ready for any <a href="">multimedia tool</a>.

At Home

The on-line versions offer an alternative way to read and complete assignments without actually needing the book. No more excuses for not doing homework because "I left my book in my locker."


shakespeare, literature,


English, History & Culture: Europe, History & Culture: World, Language Arts, Reading,