The Successful Web Reader

Creator: Neal Bastek-Content Developer-Colorado State | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

The Successful Web Reader is an interesting guide loaded with links for anyone who would like to improve and speed up their Web page reading. Just as with print, we read on the Web for a variety of reasons. Whether it is to surf and browse for information, or to interact with people and texts around the world, the criteria for success is dependent upon skills and strategies that experienced online readers use as an approach to reading digital/electronic text. Find out how to take advantage of the functionality of your browser and make the most out of your visits to the Web with the helpful suggestions you will find on this site.

In the Classroom

Reading is a cross curricular activity. Every teacher, not only English, language arts, and reading teachers, should teach or review these strategies with students before asking them to find information and read on the Web. The Successful Web Reader provides teacher and student-friendly, practical tips and information to aid "critical linking" and path following, effective scanning, avoiding distractions, and how to get the most out of a quick visit. Bookmark this website in your favorites. Choose from the many links of helpful information to project on your whiteboard at opportune times.

At Home

This site gives you useful information for optimizing reading and comprehension on the web instead of with printed text. There are strategies for "surfing" online and staying on topic without getting distracted and going off on a tangent.


reading comprehension, reading strategies,


Computer Literacy, English, Language Arts, Math, Professional, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Special Education, Study Skills, Writing,