Creator: Richard Rand | visit site
Grade Range: 2 - 8
This site is a tutorial that models fractions with number lines or circles through several different options. Applets are divided into categories such as identify fractions, rename fractions, compare fractions, investigate fractions, and much more. Each category contains different options for exploration with flash applets to practice that skill. The "investigate" option offers step-by-step explanations of the different categories and would be very useful to offer students when reviewing skills such as comparing fractions and using order of operations. Some of the slide shows are also available in PDF form along with practice worksheets. Another component of the site allows you to input your own fractions to practice your own examples.
In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have the students open the site and use the whiteboard tools to explore and practice different aspects of fractions. Then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. Use this site on a projector or interactive whiteboard to discuss and informally assess prior knowledge as you start your study of fractions. Create a link to this site on classroom computers, and your classroom website or blog for students to explore.
At Home
If your student is learning about fractions, bookmark this site (or mark as a favorite) on your home computer.
decimals, fractions, percent, test prep,