Creator: Project Vote Smart | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Students often are confused about how to choose a candidate to support in an upcoming election. Perhaps they haven’t read enough about the candidates and are overly influenced by campaign advertising, or they are just repeating what they have heard at home. This site can help them hone in on a candidate whose views are similar to their own. Enter your zip code, and you have data on each candidate running in your area across 12 different issues. Choose either an issue to explore, or complete a questionnaire to see which candidate’s views match your own.
In the Classroom
Use this site as the basis of a homework or group assignment: students can write about the candidate they would support in an upcoming election referencing the information found on the site about each candidate’s views on specific issues. Take it further and have them create a print ad for their candidate or an online "poster" using Web Poster Wizard, <a href="/single.cfm?id=7332">reviewed here</a>. Alternatively, the site could be used on an interactive whiteboard as a springboard for a class-wide discussion. Be aware that the site uses a "grassroots" theme, and has a barely audible--and at times annoying--sound track of chirping birds. Turn down the sound if it bothers you.
At Home
Use this site to discuss upcoming elections and the candidates with your student. Encourage your student to support their endorsement for a candidate. Use this site to find out more information about candidates before making a decision on election day.