Coin Toss

Creator: Shodor | visit site

Grade Range: 3 - 8

This activity provides the opportunity to explore experimental probabilities through simulation of a coin toss. In this activity you can view the results as a list, ratios and probabilities, and a table. In addition, the choice is available to view cumulative stats or not. The learners section of the site contains an explanation about probability and how it is used in science and medicine. The instructor portion has information on how the activity can be used in the classroom, links to standards, and similar resources.

In the Classroom

Use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson on the difference between chance and probability. Share the site on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Complete the activity showing results as a table. Then have students convert those results to a table and ratios. Allow students to explore the site and compare results - discuss comparisons between individual results and results found when combining all results.

At Home

Share this site with your student learning about probability.


coins, percent, ratios,


Geometry, Math,