Creator: American Chemical Society | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
View this video series to understand how ACS prizes affect people and our society. Bring the technological advances to light with each of these fascinating science discoveries. New feature videos appear on the page such as "Exploring Life on Mars," "Taming the Red Tides," and others. Learn about food poisoning caused by algae, eco-green transportation, creating smaller computer chips, and more! Check back for more videos to be added monthly. Preview articles about upcoming videos can be seen on the page as well. Subscribe to iTunes or YouTube to automatically receive new videos as they are added to the site. Feel free to embed links to the Prized Science videos on your blog, wiki, or site.
In the Classroom
View the videos and identify the science content that is understood in the video. Be sure to point out how science leads to technological breakthroughs that change the lives of those on this planet. Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. Assign small groups different topics to view/explore and then create multimedia presentations to share with the class. Have students make online "tours" to explain the topic using Screencast-o-matic, <a href="/single.cfm?id=9564">reviewed here</a>. This is a great find for gifted students (logic or unusual topics, for example or a site where students can do more in-depth investigation related to a "standard" curriculum topic)! This site is excellent for enrichment or for gifted students. Include it on your class web page for students to access both in and out of class.
At Home
Find great inspiration in the long time work of great scientists, their scientific understanding, and the technological breakthroughs.