College Personality Quiz

Creator: US News and World Report | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

One of the most difficult things about the college search process is knowing where to start. Many students find that first step so overwhelming, they delay beginning the search and may miss valuable opportunities. The College Personality Quiz is one way to help students get un-stuck. The Quiz takes a good 20--30 minutes to complete thoughtfully, and requires Java and that cookies be enabled in order to get the results. However, the questions that the student must consider will spark more concrete thinking about college choice, regardless of the specific results the Quiz returns.

In the Classroom

Include this site in your favorites for college bound students and allow students who have finished work ahead of their classmates to use their extra time by completing the quiz. Consider having students complete the quiz at home and journal (or blog) about the results they discover. Advise parents of this site and encourage them to review student results with their student. Of course, once the student has results, US News and World Report’s website provides a wealth of data about specific colleges as well as their annual rankings of colleges by category.

At Home

This site is a must for your college bound student. Review the results with your student to help start the search for the right school. Use the US News and World Report’s website to locate a wealth of data about specific colleges as well as their annual rankings of colleges by category.




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